
CED Forum App and Skill

Deve­lo­p­ment and manage­ment of a Pati­ent Com­mu­ni­ty and Ama­zon Ale­xa skills exch­an­ge for pati­ents with chro­nic inflamm­a­to­ry bowel disease.

ADHS & Ich – Social Media 

Deve­lo­p­ment of social media stra­tegy & launch as well as sup­port of social media channels.

HAE Tage­buch App

Deve­lo­p­ment of a mobi­le appli­ca­ti­on to sup­port pati­ents with her­edi­ta­ry angioedema – Cor­po­ra­te Website 

Re-design of the web­site of the generic’s pro­du­cer ZENTIVA


Fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the Bus­co­pan landing page

Leben mit HAE – Social Media 

Deve­lo­p­ment of social media stra­tegy & launch as well as sup­port of social media channels.

Mul­ti­ple Skle­ro­se Forum

A com­mu­ni­ty for pati­ents with mul­ti­ple sclerosis

Mul­ti­ples Mye­lom Skill

Deve­lo­p­ment of an Ama­zon Ale­xa skill that ans­wers ques­ti­ons about mul­ti­ple myeloma

Mein Mor­bus Gaucher

Deve­lo­p­ment and manage­ment of a mobi­le appli­ca­ti­on to docu­ment your dise­a­se and the­ra­py for pati­ents with Gau­cher disease


Tech­ni­cal sup­port and adapt­a­ti­on of the thy­ro­id app as a per­ma­nent the­ra­py com­pa­n­ion for thy­ro­id gland patients.

Migrä­ne Forum 

The mobi­le com­mu­ni­ty for migrai­ne patients!

Apo­the­ker ohne Grenzen

Plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the enti­re Goog­le AdWords cam­paign for Phar­macists wit­hout borders.

Onko­lo­gie Forum

A mobi­le com­mu­ni­ty for can­cer pati­ents and their relatives

Diver­se Ama­zon Ale­xa Skills

The Ale­xa skills deve­lo­ped by us pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on about house­hold reme­dies, pets, and cosmetics

Rheu­ma Forum

The first mobi­le rheu­ma­tism community

MS Ein­blick

The blog for all mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis pati­ents & relatives

Pso­ria­sis Forum

Our mobi­le com­mu­ni­ty espe­ci­al­ly for pso­ria­sis sufferers

Held im Rosenfeld

The online game for the “Mul­ti­ple Skle­RO­SE” cam­paign — coll­ec­ting roses and gene­ra­ting donations

Dia­be­tes Forum

A digi­tal com­mu­ni­ty for dia­be­tes pati­ents and their relatives.


Alz­hei­mer Forum

A digi­tal com­mu­ni­ty for Alz­hei­mer patients!